We often see businesses facing challenges around how systems are used at moments of engagement – whether in front of customers, inspecting sites or simply between appointments. When using Microsoft Dynamics CRM, do of the following sound familiar?
We often see businesses facing challenges around how systems are used at moments of engagement – whether in front of customers, inspecting sites or simply between appointments. When using Microsoft Dynamics CRM, do of the following sound familiar?
If so, our tailored Dynamics CRM Apps offer a real alternative.
People are demanding more from business IT solutions – our Apps deliver that experience.
At SAM7 we have successfully delivered a number of custom Apps, for phones or tablets, that enable users to quickly and easily access information held in CRM. Key success criteria are:
We were recently asked to create an Android Phone App to allow members of the operations and property teams to access information from a CRM based repairs and maintenance system whilst out of the office. This includes:
Before the App was released users had to perform updates via a VPN connection from home. Key information about properties being visited the previous day had to be printed off or saved into spreadsheets.
The App was successfully rolled out with a very high user adoption rate – after almost no training. In fact, the senior management team have also picked up the same App as an essential tool.
One of our Customers was trying to replace a field based form managed via Excel spreadsheets. Once information had been collated on the spreadsheets this was manually passed back to the office team to rekey into CRM and complete the process. Furthermore photos taken to accompany the spreadsheet were also sent back to head office to upload and attach in CRM.
We implemented a Windows 8 App that provided a total replacement to the previous manually intensive process. Compliance staff can now quickly open the App and create a new instance of the form. From here they can record pertinent information, include photos, calculate costs and capture the Customer’s signature. Once filled in and authorised the form automatically flow back to CRM.
Head office now receive the information automatically, and because the form is straightforward to use staff now complete the details within the App in front of the Customer.