Often during projects we need to supplement the standard Microsoft Dynamics CRM toolkit with particular functionality. Over the last couple of months we have used a number of Marketplace solutions and, in particular, three have proved extremely useful.
MSCRM Addons DocumentsCorePack:
One of our Customers needed to automatically produce and print legal documentation from their CRM system. We used the DocumentsCorePack add-in from MSCRM Addons to streamline the process of creating these complex documents:
PowerObjects PowerMailChimp:
Another client recently wanted to integrate CRM with MailChimp. They’d been successfully using MailChimp to run email campaigns, but needed to be able to utilise and update CRM data based on these interactions. We used PowerMailChimp from PowerObjects to quickly provide this seamless integration:
ADX Studios Portal:
We have recently implemented a Portal for a medical software organisation who wanted an on-line support system. Given the nature of the requirements we were able to rapidly implement this using the framework provided by ADX Studios: